Saturday, November 3, 2007

A night out with Eli and Raegan

Last night we met up with our friends, Jody and Rich, at the Children's Museum. They brought their two children, Raegan and Eli too! We all had a great time and the boys loved exploring in the toddler area. Nathan was very adventerous, climbing through tunnels and braving the air blowing machine. Brady had fun exploring with Jon and reading stories! After the musuem we enjoyed a nice dinner out and then it was off to bed for the kiddos!!


Jules said...

Cute! Have fun at the gym tonight, I think I might have to post about each gym experience because I'm such a people watcher and that place is such a comedy show!

Carrie said...

The boys are so active! They look like big kids playing with the toddler toys. By the way, their halloween costumes were adorable. Great pictures!