Sunday, November 25, 2007

Overnight Sensation!

Saturday morning we embarked on our journey to CT to visit Jon's family for Turkey Day. I have to post some photos because a certain Grampy was feeling left out of the blog :>) We all had a great time! Jon's parents were there and his Aunt Carol, Cousin Sarah, Uncle Lester, another Aunt Carol, Sister Leigh and our B I L Brent. We spent Saturday relaxing and being mesmerized by the boys playing with all of Jon's old toys. Yes, you heard me correctly, his mother saved all of their toys for 30 years!!! That evening Kathy wowed us with a great turkey dinner and some yummy desert, which put us all in a food coma and off to bed early (well really only me of course!!) We headed out the next morning with fond memories of Turkey Day Belated 2007!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Just some cute pictures !

Monday, November 19, 2007


Today my mom and I took the boy's to get their first haircuts at Snip-its, which is a children's salon out by the mall. The boys did great and now they look so handsome! After haircuts we went and had pictures taken with Santa!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Amesbury and back...

Today the boy's and I ventured down to my friend Elizabeths' house in Amesbury, MA for another state to state playdate. We were again joined by Gretchen and her two boys, Thomas and Jack. We all had a wonderful time! Lot's of playing, eating and sleeping; some sleeping was done in cribs and others couldn't make it off the couch :>) Today ended up being a beautiful fall day and we were able to enjoy a couple of hours outside which was really NICE! Brady enjoyed some time in the swing after he got up from his nap, the older kids were fighting over who got to push him. Gretchen decided it would be best to form a line and take turns, so cute! It was another wonderful day and so fun to see old friend's!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Holidays have arrived!

Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner and I feel myself getting very excited! The holidays bring back so many wonderful memories of a cozy house, a loving family, great food, presents (of course) and sitting by a newly decorated tree and just staring with excitement. Now that Jon and I have kids I feel a new sense of excitement! I get to relive all my days via them, I get to see their smiles and how excited they will get for Santa to come to their house. Maybe not this year, but in years to come. We also decided we would decorate outside this year and it turned out great! I am hoping that everyone will take the time to really enjoy these coming weeks with family and friends and try not to get caught up in all the hustle and bustle that these times can bring.

The holidays are about turning off the TV and turning on real conversations.

It's about talking to neighbors one-on-one and not just the waves as you drive to and from work.

Its not ALL about the lights, the wrapping paper, or the hype; it is about being with family and friends and helping others.

I still enjoy the presents and the Santa story, and the parties and the food, but my enjoyment of this time of year has just grown deeper and more important as I've grown up. So to everyone out there, have a wonderful holiday season and take time to really enjoy the meaning of it and not just the materialism.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

A night out with Eli and Raegan

Last night we met up with our friends, Jody and Rich, at the Children's Museum. They brought their two children, Raegan and Eli too! We all had a great time and the boys loved exploring in the toddler area. Nathan was very adventerous, climbing through tunnels and braving the air blowing machine. Brady had fun exploring with Jon and reading stories! After the musuem we enjoyed a nice dinner out and then it was off to bed for the kiddos!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treat

Yesterday the boys and I hung out at Grams all day. We ventured to our old stomping grounds, the library, for storytime and then headed back to my mothers' house for their afternoon nap! After they woke up I thought it would be a good idea to take a test run in their new wagon Jon and I bought them, just to make sure it would work out for trick or treating.

As you can see they loved it! Jon arrived from work and we got the boys ready to go visit some of my parents neighbors; The Harmon's, The Nickerson's etc....They had a great time and we can't wait for next year! Sydney joined the festivities around 6:30pm and she was ready to get out that door and get some candy(she had been practicing her lines). She wasn't too pleased with Nathan trying to touch her lovely bandana and dress ....