Thursday, September 20, 2007

Nathan and Brady's 9 month check-up

Nathan and Brady had their 9 month check-up today and I was happy that they didn't receive any immunizations at this appointment.

Vital Stats:


Weight- 22lbs and 13oz

Length- 28 inches

Head Circumfrence- 18 1/2"


Weight- 21lbs and 14oz

Length- 28 inches

Head Circumfrence- 18 1/2"

The boys are doing great! They are exactly the same length and their head's are the same size. They are in the 80th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. The Dr. was really happy with how they are progressing. They do have to start on some flouride drops because we are on well water and it doesn't contain flouride. I have started introducing them to some food other than baby food, thanks to Lisa Travis's encouragement. We have started toast in the morning, which they enjoy. I have tried some pinto beans and I introduced some cottage cheese, but they didn't like that very much. I am going to have to buy the small curd because that is the part they spit out. We also tried some American Cheese yesterday at lunch and they really liked that too! They are getting a full set of teeth; Brady has his top 2 and bottom 2 and Nathan has his top 4 and bottom 2. Anyway that is all for now!!


Corey said...

Way to go little men! I can't believe that when I finally meet them they will be 1 year old and Ben will be almost 6 months.

Your back must be getting strong, Pam- carrying nearly 45lbs. around geez! Don't know how you do it with two. You're a trooper.