Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Babies, Babies everywhere!

Last night I attended a party at Bernadette's house and there were babies everywhere! It was really great! What was more amazing was that so many of the girls that I graduated H.S. with were there with their kids. Most of my time in Maine I have felt like I was the only one left here, everyone else had stayed where they went to college or they transplanted out West, down south, you name it. Last night Erin, Elizabeth, Katy and Bern were all there to hang out with and I really had a great time! I hope more people make the trek back north or east!!!


Corey said...

What a cute crew!!! Both Mom's and Babies :)

I am hoping to find a time to make a trip home this Fall or latest, early Spring with Benny to meet all of his little buddies back east.

Pam- can't believe how quickly your two peas in a pod have grown! You are a champ for handling two boys! Not sure how you do it.

Keep up the blogging- fun way to check in.
Love- Corey

Carrie said...

Pam, we love the blog! So fun that you got together with the next generation of Cape moms. All the kids are so cute!

Carrie & Juliet